Bio fuel energy facilities

Bio fuel energy facilities provide a range of environmental benefits from cleaner air to better forestry management. The air emissions from carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogenous oxide (NOx) from bio fuel plants are significantly lower compared to traditional fossil fuel plants, such as coal plants which are displaced by biomass plants. SO2 and NOx emissions are the major contributors to smog and acid rain. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that electricity generated from coal produces about 50 times more SO2 emissions than biomass fuels and significantly more NOx emissions. Biomass plants also produce far less particulate matter (PM) than would result from the alternative method of open burning the wood wastes.

Bio fuel energy is derived from living, or recently living organisms, such as wood, waste, and alcohol fuels. Bio fuel energy is commonly plant matter grown to generate electricity or produce heat. For example, forest residues (such as dead trees, branches and tree stumps), yard clippings, wood chips and garbage may be used as biomass. However, bio fuel also includes plant or animal matter used for production of fibers or chemicals. Bio fuel may also include biodegradable wastes that can be burnt as fuel. It excludes organic materials such as fossil fuels which have been transformed by geological processes into substances such as coal or petroleum.

Bio fuel can be distinguished as a gaseous, liquid or solid fuel and is generally used for vehicles, homes and cooking. It powers vehicles and produces heat and electricity in homes. Modern technology has even designed a system where pollution can be converted into renewable biofuel. Household, forestry, industry and agricultural waste are used to produce bio energy that can be stored for an indefinite time period. This is just one aspect of bio fuel that differentiates it from other fossil fuels and crude oil.

The increased production of bio fuel poses a great treat to the environment. If bio fuels are to meet the energy requirements of the United States, vast areas of land would be dedicated to these crops. This creates a monocultural environment in which many animals/wildlife would be denied there native habitat as they would be denied of there native foods. These crops are not grown for human consumption so they are most likely to have huge amounts of fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides as well as genetically altered crops. The production of bio fuel can also be seen a threat to the environment as it would lead to massive deforestation due to a massive need for energy and a need for sugar cane plantations. This can already be seen in places such as Brazil and Indonesia.

Just think about the poor jet engines forced to take up tobacco products from birth. Is GE behind this? Just think, a jet engine forced to inhale tobacco continuously for hours, chain smoking day and night. They would be cancer ridden in no time, death at a very early age. GE would make a fortune in the process! I bet they will spike the nicotine in the fuel so the jets will refuse to run on any other bio fuel. Think of the smell. Do you really want everyone to smell like they spent the night in a redneck dive bar.

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