Reasons to Buy a Hybrid Car

Okay, I'll be honest with you. I recycle. I turn off the lights religiously when I leave the room. I even turn off the water while I brush my teeth. I generally understand that it's up to me to make good, positive changes to become less wasteful and take steps to reverse some of the damage we have done to the planet. I won't go so far as to pay carbon credits as I find that a bit strange, but I am still wavering on replacing my big old, fuel wasting SUV with a hybrid. I know they help the environment, but I need more convincing, more reasons to buy a hybrid car than saving a few bucks at the gas station.
What I found were actually quite a few reasons. 1. It's time to get started. You're going to pay more for a hybrid than a traditional car. Eventually, you will make up the difference in gas savings, but that will take some time. While both these points sound like I'm telling you it's not a good idea, the reality is that we have to start somewhere. We know that Congress has ordered automakers to begin seriously working on cars that will replace what we drive today. We're not there yet, but we are working to get there. These cars are a step in that direction. The inevitable is coming and you might as well get started. 2. You really are helping to reverse emissions damage. When you drive a hybrid, you are helping to reduce the nasty brown cloud we've all been complaining about. 3. A hybrid makes sense. You have the option, previously unattainable in simple electric cars, of moving between the traditional fuel reserves or operating totally off electric, usually with the flick of a switch, whenever you need it. 4. You recharge your battery every time you break. 5. You now have options you didn't have with hybrids even five years ago. That would include the option to get into an SUV hybrid. However, it now also means that, since manufacturers have been at this for a little time now, they know that you want those creature comforts you've gotten used to in your traditional car. So, you don't have to opt for an ugly tiny box of a car anymore. 6. You will get a really, really good tax break from the federal government for buying your hybrid. 7. You get primo parking at the library and at many other locations. Okay, so that last one is just my personal thing, but I must admit that I hate finding a parking spot in the city and I have always envied those spots reserved for alternate fuel vehicles. Researching information on hybrid cars helped me dispel my own personal myths about hybrids. I thought they only came in tiny and ugly and I realize now that five years have brought about lots of change. I also see that they are no longer as expensive as they used to be. I suppose that is like, for fear of dating myself, how it was with the first VCR I bought which was nearly a $1000. Blows your mind, doesn't it?

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